Another heat record: this year, the longest frost-free period was recorded in Kyiv

Another heat record: this year, the longest frost-free period was recorded in Kyiv


This year, Kyiv recorded the longest frost-free period in the entire history of observations, which lasted 232 days.

This was reported in the Central Geophysical Observatory named after Boris Sreznevsky.

The frost-free period in the capital ended on November 18, when the air temperature dropped to -0.2ºС for the first time this autumn. It lasted from March 31.

The average date of the first frost in Kyiv for the entire period of observation falls on October 21. The average duration of the frost-free period is 197 days.

The longest frost-free period in the entire history of observations ended in Kyiv. Photo: bohemama/Depositphotos

The previous record for the frost-free period was set in 2022 – 225 days. The shortest frost-free periods in Kyiv were recorded in 1902 and 1945 – only 144 days.

“Despite the fact that winter has already reminded us of itself, its official beginning will take place when the average daily air temperature will stably pass 0°C downwards. The average date of such a transition in Kyiv falls on November 29.” – told the observatory.

We will remind, on October 30, forecasters set several temperature records in 5 cities of Kyiv region.

Read also: 2023 will probably be the warmest in the last 125,000 years – climatologists


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