Astronomers have discovered a twin of the Milky Way. The galaxy is almost 2 billion light years across

Astronomers have discovered a twin of the Milky Way.  The galaxy is almost 2 billion light years across

Astronomers have discovered a twin of the Milky Way. The galaxy is almost 2 billion light years | Ukrainian truth _Life


Experts believe that this bridge rotates cylindrically, directing gas to the center of the galaxy and causing bursts of star formation.

Artistic representation of a spiral galaxy ceers-2112. Photo: Luca Costantin (CAB/CSIC-INTA)

Previous observations by the Hubble Space Telescope indicated that there were very few barred galaxies in the early universe. Previously, astronomers believed that such a feature of spiral galaxies appears already in astronomical objects that have completed their formation – mature galaxies.

However, new data from the James Webb Space Telescope suggests that even young spiral galaxies like Ceers-2112, located 11.7 billion light-years away, had jumpers.

“The discovery of the spiral galaxy ceers-2112 proves that galaxies like ours already existed 11.7 billion years ago, when the universe had only 15% of its life”– explains the lead author of the study, astrophysicist from the Center for Astrobiology in Madrid, Luca Costantin.

According to the authors of the study, the existence of a bridge near the galaxy in Ceers-2112 from the early universe challenges modern theories of galaxy formation. After all, they say that the conditions in the early cosmos did not allow the formation of spiral galaxies with such a feature.

We will remind you that earlier we told you that the Euclid telescope took the first full-color pictures of space.


Iryna Batiuk, “UP. Life”

Read also: Astronomers have discovered the most distant and oldest black hole. PHOTO

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