Dilated pupils, a special smell and “butterflies in the stomach”: what we feel when we are in love

Dilated pupils, a special smell and “butterflies in the stomach”: what we feel when we are in love


Can a loved one smell special and cause “butterflies in the stomach”? It seems so.

When we like someone, not only special emotions appear, but also certain physical manifestations. For example, you may notice “tingles” on the body or dilated pupils. Why do they arise and how to explain it?

UP Life turned to Olga Maslova, candidate of biological sciences and popularizer of science, in order to describe how our body can react to a loved one.

  • “Pins” all over the body

“Goosebumps” on the body is a collective emotional reaction that can appear when we listen to sensual music, remember something pleasant or see a loved one.

“Pins” or their scientific name – piloerection – is the moment when small hairs all over the body rise in response to a pleasant stimulus. – explains popularizer of science Olha Maslova.

“Pits” or their scientific name – piloerection – is the moment when small hairs all over the body rise in response to a pleasant stimulus. Photo: Prostock/Depositphotos
  • “Butterflies in the stomach”

According to Olga Maslova, “butterflies in the stomach” are not very related to peristalsis (movement in the organs of the digestive system that helps food move. This is a more metaphorical name.

Maybe someone’s love is manifested by increased activity of the gastrointestinal tract. But such a symptom provokes excitement itself, which may not be directly related to love, but, for example, to fear.

According to the expert, “butterflies in the stomach” are not very related to peristalsis (movement in the organs of the digestive system that helps food move. This is a more metaphorical name. Photo: gubh83/Depositphotos
  • Dilated pupils

“Pupils really dilate when a person looks at the object of his feelings. However, this is not necessarily a sign of love, because it is an autonomous unconscious process.” – says popularizer of science Olha Maslova.

This reaction can occur due to many factors: changes in lighting (pupils dilate in the dark around anyone regardless of whether you are in love), feelings of fear or individual characteristics of the person (when pupils are usually dilated and this is the norm).

Pupils really dilate when a person looks at the object of his feelings. Photo: OlgaOsa/Depositphotos
  • A special smell

Olga Maslova notes that smell is one of the main landmarks in the process of finding love, which helps to choose the best reproductive partner.

On the other hand, natural smells are blocked by perfumes and other means, so you can’t focus only on this.

“Smells are very tied to emotions and memory. Sometimes when we smell a certain smell, a picture of the event associated with it immediately appears, the brain draws all the smallest details that we did not even try to remember.” – emphasizes the popularizer of science.

During the phase of falling in love, we also pay attention to smells, and they later pick up a lot of additional information about a person.

“The olfactory system is unique compared to other sensory systems (sight, hearing, etc.). Information from smell reaches the brain the fastest. Because of this, we, without realizing it, associate a lot of things with smell.” – adds Olga Maslova.

Smell is one of the main landmarks in the process of finding love, which helps to choose the best reproductive partner. Photo: Furian/Depositphotos

The expert also talked about pheromones, which are not really a panacea for finding love.

“A pheromone is a molecule that helps a variety of animal species, from insects, to communicate information: not just about love and sex,” – explains popularizer of science Olha Maslova.

According to the collective scientific opinion, people most likely do not have pheromones, because we have other sensory systems responsible for the transmission of information. We can simply say what we want, and we don’t need certain chemical signals to do so, like butterflies, for example.

Read also: TOP-5 romantic love stories


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