“E-mova” opened a test for mastering the state language

“E-mova” opened a test for mastering the state language


“E-mova” opened a test for mastering the state language Ukrainian truth _Life


You need to register to take the test. This exam is free and available 24 hours a day for 60 minutes.

In the test, there are different types of tasks that test comprehension of the text through listening and reading, as well as basic knowledge of grammar and level of vocabulary.

It is designed with a focus on the standard of the Ukrainian language and takes into account the requirements of the levels. So, on the educational platform, you can determine how much you have state A1 to C1.

The conditions state that it is not possible to return to the previous page to correct an answer.

The organizers also emphasize that this test does not duplicate the state test and cannot replace it.

You can take the test at the link.


Read also: What makes a fool rich? Check how well you understand Ukrainian proverbs. TEST


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