Everything was burning, people were screaming, cars were exploding: the story of a doctor from Kyiv, whose house was hit by fragments of a Russian rocket

Everything was burning, people were screaming, cars were exploding: the story of a doctor from Kyiv, whose house was hit by fragments of a Russian rocket


On the night of December 13, fragments of downed ballistic missiles of the Russian Federation fell into several high-rise buildings in Kyiv and caused destruction and fire.

“UP.Zhyttia” managed to communicate with the resident of the affected house on Ostafia Dashkevich Street. This is Olena Lutska, a pediatrician and pediatric infectious disease specialist.

Now the woman has opened a collection to help people who were injured and actually left without a home due to the shelling of the Russian Federation.

The woman said that the explosions happened at night, when all the people were sleeping.

PHOTO: from Olena Lutska’s page in Somerezh

There were two explosions. I woke up after the first one, it seemed to have happened nearby, and during the next one, my front door was “taken away” by an explosive wave and I saw that the neighbor’s apartment was on fire. The light disappeared. Cars exploded under the house. My husband and I yelled at people to get out of their apartments and into the street. I was very afraid that our house might collapsethe woman says.

Olena Lutska adds, people were screaming, running with bare feet on the debris, covered in blood.

“My 8-year-old daughter was also very scared, crying. There was no electricity, but I dressed the child literally in seconds, took the dogs and we quickly went outside. I was afraid that we would not be able to get out, because the house was on fire.

My husband stayed to look for the cat. When we finally got out into the yard, I didn’t immediately understand where to go – cars were on fire everywhere and continued to explode.”the doctor continues.

Currently, residents of the affected high-rise building cannot return to their homes. Inspections of building structures are being conducted in the building.

Olena Lutska notes that all services worked very quickly. Ambulances and firefighters arrived shortly after the impact. And the utility workers were cleaning up the debris all day today, covering the windows with film.

Now the woman has announced a collection to help the affected residents.

I was asked to open an account because I am a doctor and people know and trust me, but I do not take care of the whole house, only a few families that I know and know how they have suffered. If there is money left, I will give it to other victims“, she says.

One of the residents of the building, whom Ms. Olena undertook to help, is Olga, a teacher of junior classes. In her apartment, all the windows, furniture and other things were broken – in broken glass. The entrance door was jammed and the woman could not get out. It was lucky that the neighbors knocked them out.

Also, according to Olena Lutska, journalist Tetyana Logvynenko was injured in the explosion. All the windows in her apartment were shattered, the woman’s face and head were cut by fragments. Tetyana’s mother was severely injured when she was thrown into another room by the blast wave. She is currently in the hospital.

A fire broke out in the apartment of Olena Lutska’s other neighbors due to the impact.

“My neighbor was very hurt Valentina, now she is in the neurosurgery department, she has a severe skull injury, she was operated on. When I saw her after the explosion, she was covered in blood and looking for her dog“, the doctor concludes.

For those willing to help the victims of the house on Dashkevicha Street, here link at monobank.

Read also: “Dreams of returning home”: a librarian from Avdiivka, who lost a limb after shelling, is being treated in Lviv


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