Feelings Conquering Darkness: 25 Stories of Love and War

Feelings Conquering Darkness: 25 Stories of Love and War


War is a time when holidays, anniversaries and birthdays lose their meaning, turning into another gray day on the calendar, which passes in tense anticipation of an air raid. However, on the eve of Valentine’s Day, “I love you… War” appears with an attempt to breathe new meaning into the supposedly inappropriate February 14. The authors of the project, Khrystyna Bilyakovska and Viktoriya Sereda, are convinced that love exists, it is everywhere, even though it looks different now.

In what way love and war co-exist, the UP literary reviewer is ready to tell. Culture, Arina Kravchenkoafter reading the new collection.

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“How am I? I am very different. While you are working, there is no time for emotions. […] Every day I think about the fact that my day today should have gone differently. That all this should not have happened. But then work again. And you just work. live No more and no less. Because at any moment this may not happen either”– says one of the heroines of “I’m Yours… War”, a hospitalist Yelena Lanivskawho began helping wounded servicemen after the loss of her beloved Mykhailo.

“I will find it in our children. I will return it – in their eyes, their smiles”– shares and Natalia Kyrkach-Antonenko after the death of her deceased husband Vitaly.

Book cover from Vivat publishing house.

Each of the recorded stories strictly corresponds to the subtitle of the project (the project itself, because the book is only the first step in recording a hundred stories and experiences of love in and during the war): “25 stories about feelings that help defeat the darkness.”

Paradoxically, in the midst of pain, loss and separation, which is measured not only by kilometers, but sometimes by time, the characters of this book find the strength to plan the future with their partners or do everything so that their memory lives forever. And each of these short stories-conversations is a potential great novel or a tight two-hour movie.

Each of these novels would be about something different. About how you can get married just in a hospital, have a bulletproof vest instead of a wedding dress, look for flowers for your beloved in the midst of storms, teach her your favorite poem in a trench, sign in the subway while you are filmed by cameras from all over the world, wait weeks for a short but priceless message. About how you can finally find true love at 59 and stick together no matter what. About what it means to suddenly lose your “everything” and see how it becomes just part of the death toll statistics.

Description of the book project. Photo: Vivat publishing house.

The project “I am you… War” managed to show how different love stories can be today: the heroes of the project are together at “ground zero”, volunteer, experience forced separation, travel hundreds of kilometers to spend a day together, protect their own families, find mutual understanding , plan the future, decide on the long-awaited steps, live and love like the last time, because it seems that this is the only way now.

This book is about choice. Fight. Love. Live. Wait. Dream. Save. to forgive Change. Win“, he shares in the preface Khrystyna Bilyakovskacreator and co-author of the project.

Collection “I love you … War”. Photo: kate.beauty.doc

And this book is largely about the future, as Anastasia Vuyko, the project’s communicator and author, emphasizes: “A lot of things in the conversations were “not for the record”, because the heroes shared their pain and despair, which in a few minutes changed to the determination to move on”.

The determination radiates from the second part of the collection, the epilogue, which contains the results of the research of the Veteran Hub team, as well as comments from psychotherapists and scientists. The determination to understand and be there. Determination to “recognize the contribution of beloved Ukrainian soldiers” is a duty “that we as a society finally have time to fulfill.” In the team Veteran Hub convinced: “The task of society and the state is to ensure recognition, support and communication for partners of Ukrainian soldiers. After all, by supporting their loved ones, we also support the heroes themselves“.

“I you… War” – about support at all possible levels, which is why the reader feels it deeply. It is a pity that step by step follows everyone who is touched by the experience of war, on the pages of this book, through the words and memories of the heroes, hope gradually grows. Because if the war has no end, then how and why can all this great love happen, placed on 224 pages?

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