How to stop being afraid and finally speak English: six effective tips

How to stop being afraid and finally speak English: six effective tips


“They will not understand and will laugh.” – How many different refusals our brain is capable of inventing. Time to face your fears and overcome the language barrier. We offer you some effective tips from the online English language school Englishdom. We hope they will help you overcome your fears. Don’t be afraid of mistakes Accept, everyone makes mistakes, even native speakers. Are you afraid of being in an awkward situation due to ignorance? Sharpen your skills with an English-speaking friend who will point out all your mistakes. But not everyone is lucky with such interlocutors. Another option is conversation clubs. Choose it according to your level of knowledge and make as many mistakes as you want among your own kind, and at the same time – expand your vocabulary and improve your spoken English. The choice of platforms for communication is large, there is a lot to choose from – according to the level of complexity, format and topic of conversations. Prepare in advance Even for the best impromptu, you need to prepare somehow. What can we say about the conversation. Do it too. Prepare a few phrases to start with. From the standard “Hello! How are you?” to something more complicated, like “What do you think about..?”, “Have you heard about..?”. It is also good to have something in reserve in case the conversation reaches a dead end: “I didn’t quite catch that…” or “Could you say that again / repeat that?…”. Such “preparations” will help you gain confidence in speaking and better understand how the English language works. We learn to hear. The best interlocutor is the one who knows how to listen. And this skill will not hinder us. We learn to understand English by ear. This is where your favorite series will come in handy. We turn on, say, “Friends”, the version with subtitles, and listen carefully. It will be difficult at first. But soon a miracle will happen. You won’t even notice how you adapt and stop looking at the credits. Don’t like TV series? Choose podcasts, audiobooks, favorite songs. The main thing is to learn to immerse yourself in the language environment and stop being embarrassed after hearing English. Listen to yourself Feel like an actor. Go back to Friends or any other series mentioned above. Choose your favorite scene together with your favorite character and say his lines out loud. First with the actor, then instead of him. Record your “performance” on video. Now compare yourself to the original. Yes, it will be strange, but this is how you will be able to hear your mistakes and shortcomings. Expand your vocabulary We can start a conversation. They learned to listen. Even hear yourself. But they forgot something. If you ask the all-knowing GPT-Chat how many words you need to know in English to maintain a casual conversation, he will give a number of 3000. The authors of the Oxford Dictionary will agree with him. They proved that 80% of the English language is made up of the 3,000 most common words. You will have to study all this amount. Too much? Divide 3,000 by the number of days in a year, and you will get quite real volumes – 8-9 words. This is your daily norm. A year will pass and you won’t recognize yourself. The “Oxford minimum” is, of course, not the native level, but the probability that you will not be confused when you suddenly meet Angelina Jolie near the “Kiev Perepichka” will increase significantly. Choose the right school Every Luke Skywalker should have his own Obi-Wan, King Arthur should have his own Merlin. Even Harry Potter had a Dumbledore. A mentor won’t hurt you either. You study your “Oxford minimum” every day, can put the learned words into simple sentences, even watch “Game of Thrones” without subtitles. But, despite all this, you need a language school. After all, no conditional friend from the speaking club will correct your pronunciation and explain what is wrong with your phrasal verbs. And under the supervision of an experienced teacher, you will overcome your language barrier much faster. So, follow the link, get your free trial lesson + 15% discount on tuition (with promo code PRAY_FOR_UKRAINE) and finally overcome your language barrier. *The promotion is valid only for new students, provided that packages of 20 lessons or more are purchased. The territory of distribution is Ukraine. Valid until the end of 2023.


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