In Japan, for the first time, genetically modified pigs were bred, the organs of which can be transplanted into humans

In Japan, for the first time, genetically modified pigs were bred, the organs of which can be transplanted into humans


The Japanese company PorMedTec has announced that it has for the first time bred three genetically modified pigs whose organs will be suitable for human transplantation.

They will have a lower risk of immune rejection, which paves the way for future cross-species transplants, writes The Japan Times.

The team, which includes members of the American biotech company eGenesis, bred the pigs using cells provided to them by the American company in September. They transferred their nuclei into eggs, creating genetically modified embryos. They were then implanted into the uterus of a surrogate mother pig to produce cloned piglets.

In February, three cloned pigs were born by caesarean section. They have 10 different modified genes that will prevent organ rejection if they are transplanted into a human in the future.

Photo: dusanpetkovic/Depositphotos

“The implementation of xenotransplantation was long awaited in Japan, but it remained at the stage of basic research, as pigs that could withstand clinical trials were only at the stage of development”PorMedTec said in a statement.

When the pigs grow up, they will be transferred to scientific institutions in Japan to investigate whether their organs can be transplanted into other animals, such as monkeys.

Scientists hope that the transplantation of cells and organs from animals to humans (xenotransplantation) will help solve the problem of the shortage of organ donors in the world.

Previously, we talked about how to give consent for posthumous donation during life.

Vira Shurmakevych, UP. Life

Read also: More than 50 bone marrow transplants from non-family donors have been performed in Ukraine: how to become one of them


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