In Kyiv, a one-year-old child underwent a bone marrow transplant from a donor from the USA

In Kyiv, a one-year-old child underwent a bone marrow transplant from a donor from the USA


Infants with Hurler syndrome underwent bone marrow transplantation, where the donor was a 26-year-old man from the United States. This was reported by the Ministry of Health. The operation was performed in the hematology department of the “Okhmatdyt” children’s hospital in Kyiv. Oleksandr Lysytsia, head of the bone marrow transplantation department of the “Okhmatdit” clinic, said in a comment for “UP.Zhyttia” that Dmytryk’s disease is quite rare (belongs to orphan diseases) and requires a quick transplant. Bone marrow for Dmytryk. Photo: “Okhmatdit” “Gurler’s syndrome is a metabolic disease. Therefore, it is advisable to carry out a transplant before the age of 1, because by this time the child develops a number of complications of the musculoskeletal system, cardiovascular system, disorders of the central nervous system. Transplantation makes it possible to stop the development symptoms, and not turn back time,” said Oleksandr Lysytsia. The diagnosis was made at the age of 11 months, then the countdown to a healthy childhood began for the little one. He noted that earlier in Ukraine this syndrome was detected later, when the body had already undergone inevitable changes in metabolism. The head of the department said that Dmytryk is the second child in the family, and his older sister approached him as a donor. However, further analysis revealed that she is a carrier of this syndrome – the effectiveness of such a transplant would be extremely low. Therefore, they were looking for a non-family compatible donor. “The difficulty of the operation was, first of all, that only one donor was suitable for the patient in the whole world. The delivery of the cells involved difficult logistics, in particular – a transatlantic flight and a large time difference. The cells were delivered to the Ukrainian border, from where they were delivered by car to the capital in record time I would like to note that no more than 72 hours should pass from the moment the cells are taken to their transplantation – you have to be in time, because then the cells die. Despite all the difficulties, the material was delivered in 42 hours,” the doctor said. Preparation of the boy for the operation In the Ukrainian registry of bone marrow donors, in a comment for “UP.Zhyttia”, they said that the donor for the boy is 3 months old. “The matching of the DNA indicators of the donor with the boy is absolutely complete. According to the indicators, this compatibility is 10 out of 10. It often happens that there may be several donors with indicators of 9 out of 10, 8 or less, then the doctors decide whether it is suitable, because the engraftment of cells may not take place. In Dmytryk, this donor was the only one in the world out of more than 40 million people. There were risks that he would not respond, would not be able to, would refuse, but everything worked out,” the donor registers note. The “Tabletochki” fund also contributed to the transplant. The head of the bone marrow transplantation department, Oleksandr Lysytsia, emphasized the importance of expanding the Ukrainian base of bone marrow donors. We will remind you that only 53 bone marrow transplants were performed among Ukrainians in Ukraine. The youngest patient was 7 months old, and the oldest was 57 years old. Read also: In the Ukrainian registry of bone marrow donors, a donor was found for the first time for a patient from Ukraine


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