In New York, prisoners were allowed to watch the solar eclipse: details

In New York, prisoners were allowed to watch the solar eclipse: details


In New York, six prisoners were allowed to watch the solar eclipse

Evgeniy Shkolenko/Depositphotos

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In the state of New York, USA, six prisoners, who previously filed a lawsuit to the court of the State Department of Corrections, they were allowed to watch the solar eclipse.

However, the court did not overturn the closure of prisons across the state during the blackoutfor the safety of staff, inmates and their visitors, and to ensure the integrity of our facilities during this event.” writes The New York Times.

Although the inmates-plaintiffs are of different faiths (a Baptist, a Muslim, a Seventh-day Adventist, two followers of Santeria, and an atheist), they all believe that “the eclipse is a religious event that they should observe and understand.”

“This is a huge victory for them, they are all delighted. Fingers crossed that it will not be cloudy and it will not rain, they will be able to practice their sincere religious beliefs, which is what we always wanted for them.” – said Chris McArdle, one of the lawyers who represented the interests of the men.

Jeremy Zelinski, one of those who filed the lawsuit in January, requested permission to watch the eclipse from Woodbourne’s front yard. The man is an atheist, so he said he sees the eclipse as a time to “celebrate science, reason, and all things atheistic.”

In March, his claim was satisfied. After that, other prisoners stated that “the eclipse is a religiously significant event.” Zelinski asked the prison administration if it would be possible to allow others to observe this unique phenomenon as well.

“Eclipses are important because they inspire awe and deep reflection. It’s a rare opportunity for everyone to come together, enjoy our time together, and share the joy of life.

It would be incredibly sad to be the only person to see it.” – Zelinsky wrote in his address.

However, the Department has announced that inmates will remain in their housing facilities, except in emergencies. But everyone will receive special glasses to observe the eclipse.

We will remind, April 8 is the Moon pass in front of the Sun, causing part of North America to be engulfed in darkness for a short time. Instead, for Ukraine, the phenomenon will be imperceptible.


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