Mandatory mine safety lessons will be introduced in Ukrainian schools

Mandatory mine safety lessons will be introduced in Ukrainian schools


A mine safety course is introduced in Ukrainian schools. The subject will become a mandatory addition to the school curriculum, the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine reported. Mine safety workshop is being developed by MES and UNICEF. An online course on teaching mine safety to children of all ages will be available for teachers. Mine safety course introduced in Ukrainian schools Currently, teachers can use a manual with detailed plans, as well as lesson presentations adapted for primary and secondary schools. For children, experts in cooperation with psychologists have developed interactive materials that explain the rules of safe behavior in territories that may be contaminated by mines. In particular, cartoons and videos featuring the dog Patron and sappers, as well as games, were prepared for schoolchildren. Materials can be downloaded from the site “All about mine safety” and from the library of useful materials “Spilnoteka”. The MES emphasizes that approximately 30% of the territory of Ukraine is potentially dangerous due to explosive objects. According to the UN Human Rights Monitoring Mission in Ukraine, as of July 30, 2023, 100 children have already been injured by mines and other explosive objects. Previously, “UP. Life” wrote about what explosive objects can be encountered and how to recognize and prevent the danger. Read also: “A woman laid anti-tank mines near the house”: the State Emergency Service warned not to touch the “gifts” of the occupiers. VIDEO


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