More than half of students want to stay in Ukraine after school – study

More than half of students want to stay in Ukraine after school – study


More than half male and female students after finishing school, they want to stay in Ukraine. At the same time, a quarter of the surveyed male and female students want to move to live abroad.

This is evidenced by the results of the study “War and education. Two years of a full-scale invasion”, which was presented by the International Charitable Foundation savED in partnership with the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.

From among the students 53% want to stay in Ukraine after school. Although 23% of them plan to live in another settlement of their country.


Simultaneously 26% want to move to live abroad.

Rest 20% – undecided. Parents have the same views.

The level of optimism about the future of Ukraine

During the survey, respondents were also asked the question: “How do you feel about the future of Ukraine in general?”.

Among all groups, one can rather talk about uncertain optimism, although from 52% among students to 70% among parents 83% among teachers and 84% among the administration are optimistic about the future. But at the same time, among them there are more people who are rather optimistic (and less – very optimistic)“, says the study.

The lowest level of optimism about the future of Ukraine, according to researchers, is among the students.

Among 52% are optimistic31% are inclined to be optimistic about the future.


More 25% male and female students have neither positive nor negative views, and 24% – are exclusively pessimistic.

Infographic: International Charitable Foundation savED

Students’ plans for the future

81% of students have one or more options for the future. In particular, 34% of them have concrete plans.

Other popular “preferred” scenarios, according to Apprenticeship:

  • go to work – 6%;
  • military service – 4%;
  • “gap year” (academic leave) – 7%.

To the question about a “realistic” scenario regarding educational plans for the future, the answers are as follows: in general 80% plan to continue their studiesalthough mostly in Ukraine, and part of the student body speaks “more modestly” about other (not leading) universities or technical schools/colleges.

Researchers note that the intentions of students from different regions and from cities/villages are quite similar. At the same time, 22% of students from cities, as opposed to 9% of students from villages, expressed a desire to study abroad.

Apprenticeship intentions from different regions and cities/villages are similar.

At the same time, there are more girls who are sure of entering one of the leading higher education institutions. Including 36% consider this a realistic scenario for myself. At the same time, among the boys there are fewer who are sure of entering higher education – 24%.

As part of the research, a total of 1,397 students, 1,288 parents, 1,141 teachers, 146 representatives of school administrations, and 64 representatives of local self-government bodies in all regions of Ukraine were interviewed.

Male and female respondents of all five groups fairly evenly represent (by region of school location) three macro-regions of Ukraine: 30-32%, depending on the group, represent the West, 33-38% Center/North, 33-36% frontline areas. Also from among students, parents, teachers and representatives administrations, about 71% are urban-type cities/towns, about 29% to villages and towns.

We remind you that parents and educators estimate the emotional state of students better than it actually is.

Read also: Attitudes towards Russian-speaking Ukrainians have worsened: a survey on ethnic prejudice


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