Scientists found out the origin of stains on the frescoes of Sophia of Kyiv

Scientists found out the origin of stains on the frescoes of Sophia of Kyiv

Microbiologists of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine together with foreign colleagues found out the cause of spotted lesions on the ancient frescoes of St. Sophia’s Cathedral in Kyiv. This was reported in the academy. With the help of modern methods, the researchers discovered that the cause of damage to the frescoes is mold fungi, which exist exclusively in low humidity conditions. “Scientists managed to establish that, forming organic acids, these fungi are capable of destroying the mineral base of frescoes, dissolving its main mineral – calcite – and its other components,” the scientists say. Photo: International Biodeterioration and Biodegradation (а) Modern view of St. Sophia Cathedral, 11th century, Kyiv, Ukraine; (b–e) deterioration of dark spots on medieval frescoes on cathedral walls; (d) distribution of dark spots in areas of frescoes (fr) and restoration plaster (rp), indicated by white arrow; (e) detailed view of the lower right corner of (b). In particular, numerous crystals of a secondary biomineral – calcium malate – were found in the stains. This is a rather rare phenomenon, which can serve as a specific mineral marker of the activity of mold fungi in places of damage. The cause of damage to the frescoes is mold fungi, which exist only in low humidity. “Research is ongoing. Based on the received data, scientists plan to develop effective methods of combating microbial damage to the unique frescoes of St. Sophia Cathedral and the conservation of the national monument,” says the National Academy of Sciences. The study of Ukrainian and British scientists states that the activity of microbes can have great social and economic consequences, even the irreversible loss of cultural heritage. Read also: Scientists saved from the enemy a unique herbarium from Kherson, which was collected for 50 years

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