Scientists have explained why watching TV for a long time is dangerous for children

Scientists have explained why watching TV for a long time is dangerous for children


Children who spend too much time in front of the TV screen may have problems with behavior and the development of some skills.

This is reported by Science Alert, referring to a study by American scientists published in the scientific journal Jama Pediatrics.

Scientists claim that watching TV in an unlimited amount threatens children with problems with the development of emotional intelligence, as well as atypical behavior.

This behavior can cause sleep problems, speech delays, and even autism spectrum disorder.

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“This association may have implications for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and autism, as atypical sensory behavior is more common in children.”says Drexel University psychiatrist Karen Heffler.

The authors of the study concluded that children under the age of two, who spent a lot of time in front of the TV or any other screen, behave atypically more often by the age of three. And the more time they spent watching TV, the greater the risk of behavioral problems.

One such problem researchers call “sensation seeking and avoidance,” when a child seeks intense sensory stimulation or, conversely, avoids it.

The results show that children who watch a lot of TV during their first year of life are 105% more likely to develop behavioral problems than those who don’t.

For one-and-a-half-year-old children, each additional hour spent in front of a screen increases the risk of delayed high sensory avoidance behavior by 23%. Among children aged two years and older, this risk is 20%.

For the analysis, scientists used data from the US National Children’s Study, in which about 5,000 children participated. They include information on the effects of television screens on infants and children aged 12, 18 and 24 months.

The researchers also looked at other factors, including age, medical history, education of caregivers or caregivers, and how often the child plays or walks.

Their findings indicate that screen time is a significant factor in a child’s development. However, scientists also emphasize the need to conduct additional studies that would determine the cause-and-effect relationship.

Previously, we wrote 6 tips on how to preserve vision.

Vira Shurmakevich, “UP. Life”

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