Scientists have studied the drug Ozempic on the risk of suicidal thoughts

Scientists have studied the drug Ozempic on the risk of suicidal thoughts


Scientists found no signs of an increase in suicidal thoughts in patients who took the anti-diabetic and weight-loss drugs Ozempic and Wegovy.

However, one study is not enough for final confidence in this, reports The New York Times with reference to the results of the study published in the journal Nature Medicine.

Scientists from the University of Case Western Reserve in the state of Ohio, using an anonymous electronic medical database, which stores information on more than 100 million patients, analyzed the number of their thoughts about suicide.

Scientists divided all anamnesis into two groups, including:

  • more than 240,600 patients who took Wegovy for weight loss;
  • and 1.5 million people treated for diabetes with Ozempic.

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Researchers compared the frequency of suicidal thoughts among patients taking Wegovy and Ozempic and patients taking other weight-loss and diabetes medications.

The scientists found out that people from both groups are less prone to suicidal thoughts compared to those who did not take the corresponding drugs.

During clinical trials of the drugs, scientists did not find a connection that would indicate a connection between the use of Wegovy and Ozempic drugs and the appearance of suicidal thoughts.

“We didn’t see any increased risk”says scientist Rong Xu, who participated in the study.

At the same time, the scientists note that the study was conducted by the observation method, so it is impossible to draw conclusions about cause-and-effect relationships in patients based on it.

It will be recalled that in July 2023, the health regulator of Iceland recorded two cases when patients who took drugs, in particular, Ozempic and Wegovy, had suicidal thoughts and one – about self-harm.

It is noted that the EU guidelines did not mention suicidal thoughts as a side effect for the drugs.

In the United States, it is recommended to monitor patients after taking Wegovy due to the potential for suicidal thoughts or the desire to harm themselves.

We previously reported that a blood test can identify biomarkers of suicidal thoughts.

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