The Oleshkivskaya sich is the biggest historical loss from the explosion of the Kakhovskaya HPP – an archaeologist

The Oleshkivskaya sich is the biggest historical loss from the explosion of the Kakhovskaya HPP – an archaeologist


Archaeologist Denys Sikoza, who survived the occupation of Kherson and rescued historical artifacts from the Russians, spoke about the most valuable monuments that were damaged by the Russian military’s detonation of the Kakhovskaya HPP. Read UP.Culture in Telegram “The most unique and the most affected monument is located on the left bank. It is the Oleshkiv Cossack sich. It is one of the two sichs that have survived to the present. It was simply flooded. And flooding will have a negative impact on the state of the archaeological the material that is there,” said Sikoza in a conversation with UP.Kultura. The archaeologist added that Oleshkivska sich is an archaeological site and still needs further research: “There are objects from ceramics to metal products, possibly the remains of wood. We do not know what is there. There were excavations there, a blacksmith’s workshop was excavated. Various things made of glass, bronze, and iron were found.” Oleshkivska Sich. Photo: Wikipedia According to Sikoza, the artifacts found in the field were handed over to the Kherson Archaeological Museum, which was looted by the occupiers last year. So he assumed they might have been stolen as well. Among the most damaged and valuable cultural objects, the archaeologist also named the historical center of the city of Nova Kakhovka, which is an example of a unique urban planning project, the remains of one of the largest monasteries in the south – Korsunsky (XVII – early XIX centuries), the Yagorlytsky settlement – one of the earliest Greek settlements on the territory of Ukraine, Bronze Age sites in the village of Krynky. Sikoza noted that all the ancient and barbarian settlements located below the hydroelectric power station are under threat: “They are on the shore and may be threatened by erosion processes. They are not flooded, but they are being washed away. And we still do not know how long the water will stand there.” The walls of the Korsun monastery. Photo: Wikipedia Previously, the Ministry of Culture and Information Policy published a list of museums and cultural monuments of the Kherson Region that have already been flooded or are at risk of being flooded as a result of the explosion of the Kakhovskaya HPP. According to the ICIP, as of the end of the day on June 6, such sights as the Complex of buildings of the Kakhovka HPP, erected in 1951-1958, the Ensemble of buildings of the Central Square in the city of Nova Kakhovka, the Building of the historical center of the city of Nova Kakhovka, etc., were already affected. And the State Tourism Development Agency of Ukraine has published a map of sights and natural recreational resources that are under threat due to the actions of the Russians. The house-museum of Polina Raiko in Oleshki is also threatened by water. Archaeologist Svitlana Bilyaeva, who led the research of the Tyaginka fortress – a unique architectural monument of the 14th-15th centuries in the village of Tyaginka, Berislav district of the Kherson region, said that the fortress is currently flooded. Kherson Regional Art Museum named after Oleksiy Shevkunenko, which was looted by the Russian occupiers last fall, was not damaged by the sinking. Read also: The UN “celebrates” the Day of the Russian Language after the explosion of the Kakhovskaya HPP: Ukrainians are outraged


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