The State Service for Ethnopolitics and Freedom of Conscience named the reasons for the transition of the OCU to the new calendar

The State Service for Ethnopolitics and Freedom of Conscience named the reasons for the transition of the OCU to the new calendar


The transition of OCU to the New Julian calendar was preceded by several reasons. They concern both a purely religious context and general cultural customs. This was announced by the head of the State Service for Ethnopolitics and Freedom of Conscience Viktor Yelenskyi at a briefing on May 29. One of the reasons for switching from the Gregorian calendar is its inaccuracy. “The Gregorian calendar is accumulating an astronomical lag. Now it is 13 days, and later it will be 14,” Yelensky explains. Photo: simurg/Depositphotos The presence of two calendars created a kind of “division” for believers. “Very often a Christian was faced with remorse when he had to fast on Ukraine’s Independence Day (Assumption fast – ed.), and on New Year’s he also had to break the Christmas fast. Now this is being removed,” said Yelenskyi. He also acknowledged that people may be nostalgic for past holidays. However, this innovation, in his opinion, can “remove many problems for the Christian conscience.” In addition, the transition to the New Julian calendar distances Ukraine from Russia. At the same time, the head of State Policy believes that the complete transition will not happen very quickly, because it requires time and, probably, a change of generations. Viktor Yelenskyi also commented on the situation regarding the postponement of the Day of Defenders. He emphasized that from time immemorial this holiday was not related to the date, but rather to the Intercession. Therefore, in his opinion, this “should not be a problem for Ukrainians.” Read also: “Get away from old superstitions”: the OCU told whether it is possible to embroider on holidays


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