The UN adopted the first resolution on the protection of the rights of intersex people: what it provides

The UN adopted the first resolution on the protection of the rights of intersex people: what it provides


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The United Nations Human Rights Council adopted the first resolution to protect the rights of intersex people.

Diplomats and human rights groups called it a landmark advance for human rights. writes Reuters.

The resolution was initiated by Finland, South Africa, Chile and Australia. 24 countries voted for, 23 abstained, none voted against.

According to UN experts, 1.7% of babies in the world are born intersex – their sexual characteristics (chromosome set, internal and external genitalia, sex hormones, etc.) do not correspond to typical ideas about men or women.

Many children have surgery to “fix” this. However, at Amnesty International point outthat such medical interventions are a violation of human rights, since operations are usually performed on children who, due to their age, cannot participate in decision-making.

The resolution calls on states to “combat discrimination, violence and harmful practices against persons with congenitally altered sex characteristics,” and to help intersex people “realize the right to the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health.”

The document also calls on the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights to publish a report that would “examine in detail discriminatory laws and policies, acts of violence and harmful practices against persons with congenital variations of sex characteristics in all regions of the world.”

“Passage of first-ever intersex rights resolution at #HRC55 marks landmark human rights advance” – the US ambassador to the UN Human Rights Council, Michelle Taylor, commented on the event.

Formerly Ukraine found herself at the end of the European ranking of ensuring LGBT rights.


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