Treatment of ADHD with drugs reduces the risk of unnatural death: scientists

Treatment of ADHD with drugs reduces the risk of unnatural death: scientists


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Treating patients with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) with medication reduces the risk of death by 19% within 2 years of diagnosis.

This was stated by Swedish scientists, and the conclusions were described in research in the journal JAMA, reports CNN.

Drug treatment especially reduces the risk of death from “unnatural causes”, such as suicide, accidental injury or poisoning. Research has shown that this is especially true for men.

At the same time, drugs do not significantly affect mortality from “natural causes” (from the disease) in patients with ADHD.

In general, people with ADHD have an increased risk of premature death and other adverse health outcomes.

They also have a higher risk of co-occurring mental disorders, depression, anxiety, substance abuse, eating disorders, epilepsy, or tics.

ADHD is one of the common disorders that usually manifests itself in childhood. People with this disorder are characterized by an unusual level of hyperactivity and problems with controlling impulsive behavior.

People with ADHD usually have difficulty concentrating on one task or sitting still for long periods of time. Such patients may often lose things, fuss a lot, make careless mistakes or take unnecessary risks.

They have difficulties with organizing time and perceiving information, and a large number of stimuli around them leads to overexcitement.

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder cannot be completely cured, but its symptoms can be controlled and some lives can be improved with the help of behavioral therapy and drug treatment.

It will be recalled that scientists previously stated that 11 minutes of activity per day reduces the risk of early death.

It also became known how education reduces the risk of premature death.


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