What examinations should be done to prevent the development of cancer? The Ministry of Health explains

What examinations should be done to prevent the development of cancer?  The Ministry of Health explains

Detecting cancer at an early stage is crucial to fighting it. Women and men in Ukraine can undergo a number of examinations free of charge in medical institutions that have signed an agreement with the National Health Service. The Ministry of Health reminded Ukrainians of which examinations and at what age they need to undergo in order to prevent the development of possible cancer and to start treatment in time. What examinations and at what age should women undergo The Ministry of Health emphasizes that stage I breast cancer is curable in 95% of women. Instead, this diagnosis is given to every fourth woman in Ukraine already at the III-IV stage, when the effectiveness of treatment is significantly reduced. In order to detect cancer at an early stage, Ukrainian women aged 20-29 must undergo a clinical breast examination once a year and a cytological diagnosis (PAP test) once every 3 years. Women aged 30-39 should have: clinical breast examination – once a year; cytological diagnosis – once every 5 years; papilloma virus test (HPV test) – once every 5 years. Photo: Kzenon/Depositphotos Ukrainian women aged 40-49 must undergo similar tests with the same frequency, as well as mammography. It is recommended to undergo this diagnosis at this age once every 2 years. Women over 50 are recommended to undergo: clinical examination of the mammary glands – once a year; mammography – once every 2 years; colonoscopy – once every 5 years. Read also: Can manicure lamps cause cancer? Doctors’ answers What examinations and at what age should men undergo As reported by the Ministry of Health, in 21% of cases, prostate cancer is detected already at the stages when metastases appear. Therefore, Ukrainians aged 40-49, as well as those over 50, are recommended by the Ministry of Health to undergo an examination by a urologist once a year. After the examination, the doctor may prescribe a blood test for the PSA test (prostate-specific antigen). Men over the age of 50 should also undergo a colonoscopy once every 5 years. All the examinations mentioned above are paid for by hospitals at the expense of the state through the Medical Guarantee Program, so they should be free of charge for the patient. In order to undergo an examination, it is necessary to consult a doctor beforehand. “If you notice any changes in your health, immediately contact your family doctor or therapist. He will refer you to appropriate examinations or to a specialist,” the Ministry of Health emphasized. Read also: What preventive medical examinations should be performed at the age of 25, 45, 65 and later? Guide to screenings

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