which war injuries require long-term rehabilitation

which war injuries require long-term rehabilitation


Spinal injuries

The cause of joint trauma is usually a spinal cord injury, which disrupts the structure of the spinal cord.

With a partial spinal cord injury, also called a partial injury, the spinal cord can transmit signals to and from the brain. Patients with this injury can move their fingers, limbs, or trunk, and have some sensitivity to stimuli (such as pain, thermal, tactile, etc.).

In the case of complete damage, there is a complete loss of mobility and sensation below the level of damage.

However, even with such an injury, the spinal cord is almost never completely severed. Doctors use the term “full” to describe a large area of ​​​​impression of the spinal cord.

Therefore, many patients with partial damage to the spinal cord can recover, but with complete damage, the chances are much lower.

“Everything depends on the level of injury and whether a person will be able to walk. In accordance with this, the injured person must be adapted – for living in a wheelchair or for walking,” – physical therapist Stepan Krupko explains.

He adds that one of the complications of this condition is muscle spasticity, that is, an increase in muscle tension at rest. Usually, the cause is damage to nerve fibers, which causes muscle spasm as a protective reaction of the body.

Stepan Krupko says that they work with this problem in different ways – depending on the degree of damage to the spinal cord. There are 3 methods – physiotherapeutic, pharmacological and surgical.

“If spasticity manifests itself in a mild form, then the injured person, together with the physical therapist, pumps the compensatory muscles. In this way, you can train movement in the problem limbs and improve their potential for work.”says the physical therapist.

Doctors may also prescribe medication or inject botulinum toxin to force the muscle to relax. In particularly severe cases, a surgical method is used.

It can also occur in patients with a spinal injury autonomic dysreflexia. It manifests itself as a decrease in sensitivity to one or more stimuli, may have different symptoms. This pathology is dangerous for a person due to the possibility of convulsions and stroke.

However, even at home it can be risky. Stepan gave an example of a patient who decided to warm his feet near the battery, but did not notice that the temperature was too high and got burned.


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