Young people from Crimea massively receive Ukrainian passports: patriotism or recognition of Ukraine’s indisputable victory?

Young people from Crimea massively receive Ukrainian passports: patriotism or recognition of Ukraine’s indisputable victory?


The migration service observes that natives of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea aged 19-25 arrive in mainland Ukraine to issue their first passport as a citizen of Ukraine. In order to get to the territory under the control of the Ukrainian government, young Crimeans overcome a difficult path: they cross borders, including those of aggressor countries, enter the territory of Ukraine through humanitarian corridors, carrying only a birth certificate, or in the best case, a passport of a citizen of Ukraine for traveling abroad, issued before 2014. During the conversation with the inhabitants of the peninsula, it turns out that they are not afraid of air raids, constant shelling and the dangerous situation in the country as a whole, for them the most important thing is to get a document that will confirm their citizenship – a passport of a citizen of Ukraine. Most of them plan to enter a higher educational institution after completing the document, get a specialty and rebuild Ukraine. To the question “Why didn’t you apply for a passport of a citizen of Ukraine before the full-scale invasion?”, young people mainly explain that their parents did not support the decision to issue a passport when they reached the age of 14, or there was a difficult life situation, financial problems, etc. However, there is also an objective reason due to which the number of Crimeans willing to be documented with a Ukrainian passport has increased – the simplification of the document registration procedure for the period of martial law. We are talking, in particular, about the regulation of the identification procedure, which is mandatory when issuing the first passport after reaching the age of 18. The issuance of a passport is preceded by thorough checks In November 2022, Resolution No. 1220 of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated October 28, 2022 entered into force, amending the procedure for establishing the identity and issuing a passport of a citizen of Ukraine during the period of martial law. In particular, in the case of an application by a person who has reached the age of 18 and does not have documents with a photo card, for the purpose of issuing a passport of a citizen of Ukraine in his name, the procedure for establishing the identity is carried out by sending requests for verification of documents and information specified by the applicant to Ministry of Justice, National Police, DPS, educational institutions, military units, etc. In the absence of documents with a photo card, obtained from registers and other information bases, and based on the results of checks, according to which the person could not be identified, the procedure for establishing the identity is carried out by interviewing witnesses. Witnesses can be able-bodied members of the person’s family (including ex-wife or husband), close person or neighbor, who have reached the age of 14 and have identity documents. In the event that it is not possible for the person’s family members to be present in person, this procedure can now be carried out via video conference. Young Crimeans willingly take advantage of such a chance, so since the beginning of 2023, the units of the Migration Service of Kyiv and the region have held more than 250 video conferences, based on the results of which decisions were made to issue a passport for a citizen of Ukraine. The migration service does everything possible, taking into account the individual situation of each Crimean citizen, so that citizens of Ukraine can exercise their legal right to obtain a passport. Vyacheslav Guz, head of the Central Interregional Administration of the State Internal Revenue Service in the city of Kyiv and the Kyiv region, especially for the UP. Life Publications in the “View” section are not editorial articles and reflect exclusively the author’s point of view.


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