Children born as a result of pregnancy with complications have a higher risk of developing diseases – scientists

Children born as a result of pregnancy with complications have a higher risk of developing diseases – scientists


Complications during pregnancy, in particular, the development of diabetes or chronic high blood pressure in a pregnant woman, can affect the health of the child.

This is stated in a study published in the scientific journal American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, writes The New York Times.

By age 12, such children have a higher risk of being overweight, high blood pressure, high cholesterol or high blood sugar than children whose mothers had an uncomplicated pregnancy.

“This creates a potentially vicious cycle. Because when girls who are born with complications from pregnancies at higher risk of cardiovascular disease then become women and become pregnant themselves, they are more likely to develop severe hypertension and gestational diabetes“, said Dr. Karthik K. Venkatesh, a scientist, obstetrician and perinatal epidemiologist from the Wexner Medical Center of the United States University.

Photo: boggy22/Depositphotos

According to the scientist, one of the reasons for complications is that most women do not prepare for pregnancy and begin to bear a child with certain concomitant diseases. Scientists are also concerned about the trend of women postponing motherhood until later in life.

3317 pregnant women participated in the study. 263 of them developed high blood pressure, 402 participants were diagnosed with gestational diabetes, and 82 were diagnosed with both diseases during pregnancy.

Scientists calculated that maternal diseases increased the susceptibility to the development of diseases of those systems that failed during pregnancy – on average from 11% to 20%.

Scientists note that the study does not prove a causal relationship, but emphasizes the close connection between a healthy pregnancy and the health of the child.

Read also: Childbirth ages a woman’s cells, but pregnancy allows them to look younger – scientists


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