Huge carved drawings of camels were found in the desert of Saudi Arabia. PHOTO

Huge carved drawings of camels were found in the desert of Saudi Arabia.  PHOTO


In the desert of Saudi Arabia, they found mysterious carved images of camels in life size.

Archaeologists have discovered an image on a rock near the southern border of the Nafud desert, Arkeonews and LiveScience reported.

The monumental work of art depicts more than a dozen wild camels, a now-extinct species that probably roamed this desert thousands of years ago but never received a scientific name.

The picture is quite detailed – the wall depicts mainly male camels with thick winter fur that have not yet molted.

These details indicate that the painting may have been created during the animals’ mating season (between November and March).

“What is most impressive is that most of these beautifully carved camels are male. Some of them show camels with a dulla, an organ that hangs from the jaw of a male camel and is used to attract females.”– said the lead author of the study Maria Guanyin from the Max Planck Institute for Geoanthropology in Germany.

Amazing carved images of camels were found in the desert of Saudi Arabia. Photo: Live Science

The Neolithic period in northern Arabia is known in part for its monumental stone structures and cave art, as well as the remains of hearths that indicate temporary settlements.

Recently, researchers discovered new mysterious carvings that shed light on the history of the Neolithic period.

Previously, the place where the camels were painted was already known, but this is the first time that scientists have noticed the remains of ancient art.

(Scientists have drawn white lines on the photo so that viewers can better see the carvings)

Scientists also noticed that other images were carved above the camels, and their features and proportions were improved.

So, this place has been used and visited for a long time.

“We learned about this place from another article, but the wall was difficult to find because its location was not exact and it is a difficult landscape [для навігації]”, – says Maria Guanyin.

We will remind, earlier in Turkey, rock paintings about 8,000 years old, depicting childbirth and death, were found.

Also in Spain, archaeologists discovered more than a hundred petroglyphs of animals, including deer and the extinct tour.

Read also: Archaeologists have found the oldest rock drawing of an animal. It’s a pig. PHOTO


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