In Japan, a man blew up his apartment trying to kill a cockroach

In Japan, a man blew up his apartment trying to kill a cockroach


In the Japanese city of Kumamoto, a man caused an explosion in his own home, trying to kill one cockroach. The blast wave broke the window, and the Japanese himself received minor injuries.

The reason for the incident was that the 54-year-old man sprayed too much insecticide – a chemical preparation to protect plants from harmful insects, writes La Mainichi newspaper. About a minute later there was an explosion.

Japan’s National Consumer Affairs Center has previously received several reports of explosions believed to be caused by insecticides igniting after coming into contact with electrical outlets or other electrical sources.

As Business Insider writes with reference to University of Florida entomology professor Philip Koehler, the use of liquid pesticide sprays can be extremely dangerous.

Photo: robertohunger/Depositphotos

Outlets or exposed wiring can cause electric shock to people if they use water-based products.

Meanwhile, lamps and gas flames from heaters can ignite flammable petroleum-based pesticides“, said Koehler.

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