In Kyiv, a woman who threw her 3-year-old son from the window of the eighth floor was sentenced to 11 years

In Kyiv, a woman who threw her 3-year-old son from the window of the eighth floor was sentenced to 11 years


A mother who threw her 3-year-old son out of the window of an apartment on the 8th floor was sentenced in Kyiv. The woman was sentenced to 11 years in prison, according to the Kyiv City Prosecutor’s Office. As the court found, in January 2021, after an argument on the phone with a civilian man, the woman started throwing things from the 8th floor of the apartment. Then she took her son in her arms, and, approaching the open window, leaned the child’s body over the windowsill, after which she let him go. The boy fell to the ground and was seriously injured, but he was rescued. In court, the 40-year-old mother denied her guilt and said that the boy allegedly fell out of the window himself. In a comment to “Ukrainian Pravda. Life”, the spokeswoman of the Kyiv City Prosecutor’s Office, Nadiya Maksymets, reported that the child is currently abroad under the care of the accused’s sister. According to her, the conflict between the spouses, which led to the fact that the woman threw out the child, arose because the man often drank alcohol and did not return home for a long time. We will remind you that in Vinnytsia, a minor girl fell from the window of an apartment on the 6th floor, where she locked herself together with her sister. Read also: Left for a sick relative: in Transcarpathia, the police seized three young daughters from their mother


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