Manifestation of cruelty: animal rights activists explained why you can’t keep dogs on a chain

Manifestation of cruelty: animal rights activists explained why you can’t keep dogs on a chain


Keeping a dog on a chain in winter is dangerous for the animal. Such actions can be considered as a manifestation of cruel treatment.

The animal protection organization UAnimals notes that keeping a dog on a chain in winter exposes the dog to a high risk of frostbite (owners often do not take care of insulating the kennels) and dehydration (due to the fact that the water in the bowl freezes).

Because of the chain, the dog may not be able to reach the bowl with food or water. Also, a short chain can damage the skin, mutilate the neck and spine, and lead to behavioral disorders of the animal.

“Dogs kept outside may shout, wail or bark to get people’s attention, but it will do no good if no one is listening. . . .

Cruelty begets cruelty, so the dog can become aggressive and unpredictable even for the owners.” – the message says.

Photo: ahundov/Depositphotos

Being kept on a chain can be considered as a sign of a crime – cruelty to animals. For such actions, the owner may face punishment in the form of a fine from 3,400 to 5,100 hryvnias, and the animal may be seized, animal rights activists say.

UAnimals notes that many countries have already banned keeping dogs on a chain at the state level. For example, in Hungary, the ban has been in effect since 2016, in Slovakia – since 2021, and in Latvia such innovations are only being planned.

Animal rights activists call for a ban on such acts of cruelty in Ukraine as well.

“Keeping dogs on a chain is inhumane! And in conditions of war, it also threatens the animal’s life.” – emphasized in UAnimals.

It will be recalled that the Ministry of Internal Affairs allowed pets to be sheltered during air raids. But you need to follow certain rules.

In particular, owners must not leave pets unattended, provide them with comfortable conditions there, and guarantee the safety of other people who are also in the shelter.

In addition, dogs whose breeds are dangerous must have a leash and a muzzle.

Vira Shurmakevich, “UP. Life”

Read also: How to teach a dog to stay at home alone: ​​tips and life hacks


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