Over the past week, the number of patients with flu, SARS and COVID-19 has increased in Kyiv, most of them are children

Over the past week, the number of patients with flu, SARS and COVID-19 has increased in Kyiv, most of them are children


More than 20,000 new cases of infection were recorded in the capital during the week. Most of them are children, whose share is 55.9% of the total number of patients.

The Kyiv City Center for Disease Control and Prevention of the Ministry of Health reported that, compared to the previous week, the incidence rate increased by 14.5%.

It spreads especially quickly among children. Last week, more than 11,000 new cases were detected, more than 6,000 of them were schoolchildren. Morbidity among school-aged children increased by 23.7%.

To prevent the spread of infections, doctors call for adherence to the rules of epidemiological safety.

Photo: IgorVetushko/Depositphotos

Iryna Lisova, a family doctor at the Center for primary medical and sanitary care No. 2 in the Darnytskyi district of Kyiv, told about this for “UP.Zhyttia”.

Ms. Iryna assured that the main thing is to take care of your health in advance. One of the best methods of prevention is the flu shot.

“Of course, vaccination does not guarantee that you or your child will not get sick at all. However, observing patients, I can say that vaccinated patients have a much milder course of the disease.”– noted Iryna Lisova.

She recommends vaccinating both children (from the age of six months) and adults. It is best to do this in the fall, before the disease season. Vaccination should be done every year.

The doctor emphasized that if the child already has the first signs of SARS or flu, it is better to leave him at home.

“The child should not be taken to school or kindergarten. Being in a group, they quickly infect each other. The danger is that the child may have the virus even before the first symptoms appear. This puts others at risk.” – said Lisova.

One of the first manifestations of influenza A is a high temperature and a dry cough. There may also be a sore throat, body aches, headache, less often a runny nose and nasal congestion. Symptoms may vary from person to person.

So, to protect yourself from the flu and SARS, family doctor Iryna Lisova recommends:

  • at the first symptoms, stay at home and do not endanger others; consult a doctor so that he prescribes the necessary drugs for treatment;
  • wash your hands thoroughly, you can use an antiseptic;
  • do not touch the face, especially the areas of the mouth, eyes, nose;
  • regularly ventilate and humidify the premises;
  • if you still feel bad, but you have to leave the house, you should wear a mask, making sure to cover your nose and mouth;
  • get vaccinated in advance so that the disease passes in a milder form.

Earlier, we talked about how to distinguish the flu from COVID-19.

Vira Shurmakevych, UP. Life

Read also: How to distinguish COVID-19 from other similar diseases


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