Polar scientists showed a female leopard hunting penguin cubs. VIDEO

Polar scientists showed a female leopard hunting penguin cubs.  VIDEO


Polaris from the research station Academician Vernadskyi during the trip, they met a female sea leopard. One of the main predators of the Antarctic got into their video.

The leopard seal preys on penguins and seals, and mostly on their young, according to the National Antarctic Science Center.

Every year in the spring (it’s autumn in Ukraine), thousands of subantarctic penguins return to our island.

Here they build nests, lay eggs and “give birth” to babies. Of course, such large gatherings of penguins also attract sea leopards here“, polar explorers say.

According to Vadym Tkachenko, a biologist of the 28th UAE, two female leopards are constantly “grazing” near the island.

In their free time from hunting, they rest on ice floes in the surrounding water area. One of the leopards got into the polar explorers’ video.

Sea leopards are solitary, so you can see them in pairs only during the mating season. They spend a lot of time on floating ice floes, where they rest, give birth and feed their young.

Iryna Bura, “UP. Life”

Read also: “Polar scientists showed how a sea leopard hunts a penguin”


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