Should students be banned from using mobile phones in schools – explains the educational ombudsman

Should students be banned from using mobile phones in schools – explains the educational ombudsman

Prohibiting the use of mobile phones in schools may make it impossible to record cases of violation of students’ rights. On the other hand, the presence of video or audio recordings of mobbing, bullying and other offenses allows the perpetrators to be brought to justice.

This opinion was voiced by the educational ombudsman of Ukraine, Serhiy Horbachov, during the expert discussion.

According to him, on the one hand, the use of mobile phones for educational purposes helps to diversify lessons and classes, to quickly contact parents in case of need, as well as to record the facts of violation of rights defined by Article 32 of the Constitution of Ukraine. In addition, in the 5th-6th grades, gadgets are a necessity during study, because the students of these grades do not have printed textbooks.

But when used for other purposes, a mobile phone can distract from studies, contribute to academic dishonesty, and reduce the level of interpersonal communication among schoolchildren, says the ombudsman.

Photo: Klaus Vedfelt/Getty Images

According to Serhiy Gorbachev, the ban will not solve anything – it is necessary to develop rules for the use of mobile phones in the legal field, which will be accepted by all participants in the educational process. However, there is currently no clear understanding of how to do this, because no monitoring studies were conducted in educational institutions.

In addition, there are no legislative and regulatory acts in Ukraine that regulate the use of mobile devices in educational institutions. This makes it difficult to implement the rules.

“After all, in the case of using boxes for mobile phones, the responsibility for their preservation falls on the teacher and is an additional burden for him. It is especially difficult to preserve mobile phones during air alarms.” – noted in the Office of the Educational Ombudsman.

Read also: Mobile phones at school: ban, limit, allow?

Iryna Batiuk, UP. Life

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