Spotted deer rescued from traders were shown at the Kyiv Zoo: photo

Spotted deer rescued from traders were shown at the Kyiv Zoo: photo


Spotted deer, rescued from illegal traders, found love and care at the Kyiv Zoo

Kyiv Zoological Park of national significance

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In the Kyiv Zoo, rehabilitation began 8 spotted deerwhich last week the police saved it from illegal sale.

Currently, deer are recovering from physical and mental injuries. They have already started to eat well, zoo employees said on social networks.

“We are happy to announce that the group of spotted deer rescued last week has passed the resuscitation stage and has fully moved to the treatment and rehabilitation stage.

Currently, the animals have settled in a large natural enclosure on the ungulate row of the Kyiv Zoo. – say the caretakers.

Spotted deer were rehabilitated in the Kyiv Zoo

8 deer were rescued by Kyiv police last week

At first, the injured deer completely refused food and water. But thanks to the efforts of zoologists and veterinarians, the animals have an appetite and a thirst for life again.

The deer’s diet now consists of hay and branch fodder, which they snack on with apples and carrots. Each deer eats up to 10 kilograms of such feed and drinks 5-6 liters of fresh water per day.

Spotted deer undergo rehabilitation and treatment

Spotted deer live in a natural enclosure next to friendly neighbors, red deer

Rescued animals live in an open area with bushes and trees, next to friendly neighbors – red deer. Canopies and special hiding places for solitude and relaxation are provided for animals.

After the initial recovery, they will undergo rehabilitation in the reserve.

Spotted deer were found in a minibus at a checkpoint

The animals are already eating well. Their diet consists of hay and forage, apples and carrots

“We are doing everything possible to save the poor people who have been wronged by the “live goods” traders. This is a long and difficult process, lasting from several months to several years.

So, when you see a group of new residents in the Kyiv Zoo, keep calm and do not frighten the animals. Just mentally wish this beautiful creature a speedy recovery!” – called the zoo workers.

Spotted deer will undergo rehabilitation in the future

After initial recovery, further rehabilitation of these spotted deer in the reserve is planned

We will remind, on April 3, Kyiv police stopped a man at a checkpoint who illegally transported 9 deer in a cramped minibus.

One of the deer, unfortunately, died, and the others were taken under the care of the capital zoo. The law enforcement officers opened criminal proceedings on the fact of cruelty to animals.

An illegal carrier may face up to three years behind bars.


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