The NSHU urged Ukrainians to complain about low-quality medical care: where to turn

The NSHU urged Ukrainians to complain about low-quality medical care: where to turn


The head of the National Health Service, Natalia Husak, called on patients to more actively complain about low-quality medical services. You can leave a request on the NSZU website or by calling the hotline number.

According to Nataliya Husak, people complain to her on social networks that they are forced to buy medicine at their own expense, which they should receive for free.

A nurse whose son was admitted to a children’s hospital wrote. Every day she was given a list of medicines that she had to buy for the treatment of the child. The hospital did not provide anything – from the word AT ALL.

Also, a military man wrote to me, whose mother in one of the city hospitals in Ukraine was also given a list of medicines that must be purchased for surgery. And it was recommended to do it in the pharmacy located in the hospital itself“, wrote the head of NSZU.

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In her opinion, people do not complain officially because they are afraid of “medical bullying”.

Read also: How to find a hospital that provides medical services free of charge – the Ministry of Health tells

Goose called to collect letters of happiness, pharmacy receipts and submit a written or verbal complaint. This can be done in two ways:

  • the appeal, which is available on the NSZU website in the section Citizens;
  • hotline number of NSZU 16-77.

Previously, we talked about which services in Ukrainian hospitals are free for people with injuries.

Read also: The right to free treatment. Do you know your options? TEST


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