The Verkhovna Rada Committee recommends leaving correspondence and evening forms of education, which the MES wants to cancel

The Verkhovna Rada Committee recommends leaving correspondence and evening forms of education, which the MES wants to cancel


The Committee on Education, Science and Innovation of the Verkhovna Rada recommended that the Verkhovna Rada adopt the draft law on higher education in the first reading, removing from it the provisions on canceling extramural and evening forms of education.

This was reported by the permanent representative of the Cabinet of Ministers in the Verkhovna Rada, Taras Melnychuk, and People’s Deputy from the “Voice” party Nataliya Pipa.

He noted that draft law No. 10177 should expand the possibilities of higher education students in the formation of studies and make universities autonomous in the development of educational programs.

The document proposes to conduct the last recruitment of students for correspondence and evening education for bachelors and masters in 2023. The specialized committee recommends removing this norm.

Photo: Natalia Gdovskaia/Getty Images

The Minister of Education and Science Oksen Lisovyi said in a comment to “UP. Life” that “given the availability of individual learning trajectories, it makes no sense to keep correspondence and evening forms of education.”

According to the minister, the distance education offered by the draft law will allow students to create their own schedule and study at any time.

The Ministry of Education and Science proposed this solution to the legislator, i.e. the Verkhovna Rada. But the legislator excluded this norm.

We have offered it and will continue to offer it. Whether the legislator will support us or not is a matter for the legislator“, said Oksen Lisovyi.

He added that extramural and evening education is a “relic”.

“I I cannot say whether correspondence and evening forms of education will be canceled from 2024. It depends on how the Verkhovna Rada reacts to this initiative in the end. We, for our part, will re-initiate this offer“, added the head of the Ministry of Education and Culture.

We previously reported that the government is proposing changes in higher education.

Read also: The Council did not cancel admission to correspondence and evening forms of education in universities from 2024: what will change instead. FIXED


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